If you are an employer looking to create jobs for young people, you can apply for funding as part of the Kickstart Scheme. The scheme is aimed at 16- to 24-year-olds currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment.

Employers of all sizes can apply for funding which covers:

  • 100% of the National Minimum Wage (or the National Living Wage depending on the age of the participant) for 25 hours per week for a total of 6 months
  • associated employer National Insurance Contributions
  • minimum automatic enrolment pension Contributions

Employers can spread the job start dates up until 31 December 2021. You will get funding until 30 June 2022 if a young person starts their job on 31 December 2021.
Further funding is available to provide support so that young people on the scheme can get a job in the future.

 video walkthrough of the online application process can be found on the government’s website and guidance about how the scheme works.

The Kickstart Scheme is part of the government’s Plan for Jobs, other employments schemes in this include:


Sector-Based Work Academy Programme (SWAP)


Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided for general information only and does not constitute legal or professional advice.  We cannot accept responsibility or liability for any actions you may take, or not take, based on this information.

